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FFA relies on its alumni to garner support for FFA from their local communities, raise funds for chapter activities and scholarships, assist at FFA leadership camps and conferences, and more. You don't have to be a former FFA member to support FFA, agricultural education and the future of agriculture.


If you are interested in being apart of our Alumni organization, contact any advisor or officer.  The Alumni meets on the third Tuesday of the Month in the SNHS Library @ 6:30 pm.


This year's meeting dates...


FALL                         SPRING
September 17        January 28       
October 15             February 18    
November 19         March 18

                                 April 15

                                 May– Banquet (TBD)


2024-2025 Alumni Chapter Officers


Photo coming soon:


Vice President- Robert Covington

Secretary/Treasurer- Tori Whitley

President- Janice Davenport


Member Incentive Program
Your participation can directly impact a child’s FFA opportunities!



You participate! Earn points. Points equal dollars. You redeem those points for your child or astudent you would like to sponsor. They can be applied to any activity or item (jacket, tshirt, etc.) that costs for the student to purchase or participate in.



Example points

Attend an Alumni Meeting 1 point per meeting

Attend a Committee Meeting 2 points per meeting

Chair a committee 10 points per committee

Attend/Volunteer at an Event 1 point per hour

Recruit Another Member 5 points

Serve as an Officer 25 points

1 point = $1.00



If you have a child in our program, they will be able to use the points as a dollar amount subtracted from the any cost (FFA jacket, camp registration, chapter tshirt, etc.)  If you do not have a child in our program, you can select a student to sponsor that could use the financial support. At every meeting, you have the opportunity to record or redeem points with our Alumni secretary or Vice President.

You can find us in bailey and on:




6446 Southern Nash High Rd
Bailey, Nash County 27807

©2023 by Southern Nash High School FFA. Proudly created with

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